Starting Your Career (Wealthy Fit Pro Guides)
Navigate the stages of your career from certification to landing a job to continuing education. This book also talks about getting clients, building programs, and, of course, developing multiple income streams.
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“Jon Goodman is the ultimate resource for everything regarding starting, maintaining and flourishing a fitness business. Any trainer worth their salt has at least one of his books.” – Jmartell (Amazon review)

Product Description
Welcome to The Wealthy Fit Pro Guides, the indispensable new resources for personal trainers ready to take their careers to a new level. One by one, each guide will help you achieve more freedom, better pay, fulfilling days, and growing recognition from fellow fitness pros.
Book one, Starting Your Career, is the perfect launching pad for this series – and your success. With Jonathan Goodman’s trademark straight-talk about navigating the fitness industry, you’ll find everything you need to become the best trainer you can be after getting your personal trainer certification.
Here you’ll learn how to…
- Land the perfect job
- Attract and keep more clients
- Engage next-level marketing skills to set yourself apart
- Tap the no-fail secret to motivating clients
- Become a star programmer
- Consistently grow and improve
- And more . . .
Buy this book in paperback today and get the audiobook and eBook 100% free (a $40 value). Instructions on claiming will be sent after purchase.
Paperback Book: 176 Pages
ISBN-10: 1070225357
ISBN-13: 978-1070225357
Product Dimensions: 5 X 8 inches

“All fit pros — particularly relatively new trainers — should add this book to your business reading. It will show you how to learn, how to listen, how to sell, and how to maximize your impact on the lives of all of your clients, present and future.” – Corey Jackson

“What impresses me most about this book is how acutely it touches on the things that we, as trainers (new or veteran), keep stashed away as self-doubt. I found the programming sections particularly useful (I always struggle when making programs because, as he mentions, I feel like it needs to be “perfect”).” – Ronald Goss

“As a trainer of almost 5 years, I wish I had this book back when I started. Even now I took a few pages of notes, because the information is not only practical, but easy to incorporate and build into the systems you have now.” – Michelle Makelo-Belo (Amazon review)

“Jon Goodman is the ultimate resource for everything regarding starting, maintaining and flourishing a fitness business. Any trainer worth their salt has at least one of his books.” – Jmartell (Amazon review)

“This book cuts through a lot of the crap for new trainers and simplifies what’s most important. Seriously wish I had something like this when I first started.” – Calvin (Amazon review)

“If, however, you just passed your certification and are wondering “where the heck do I begin?!” …well, this is the book you need. I wish I’d had it in my hands at the beginning of my career. I highly recommend you purchase it, read it, take notes in it, and re-read several times throughout your career in the fitness industry.” – KP (Amazon review)

“One thing I don’t like about many authors is their inability to get to the point and to make it concisely. Not this one. It’s an easy read that introduces the subject, makes the point, then summarizes at the end.“ – Brian Clark

“I’m still pretty new to the fitness industry so I can definitely say this book couldn’t have come at a better time. I immediately started making changes to my daily routine based off notes I had taken from reading. You can’t not learn something from reading this.” – Kelli (Amazon review)

“Everything he mentions in this is everything you face as a trainer and something I wished I had when I used to work at a commercial gym sooner. “ – Joseph (Amazon review)

“Jon really hands over key strategies to begin a career in fitness. Forget paying a mentor the arm and leg you worked so hard to sculpt. Forget wasting your time trying to piece things together from YouTube. He makes it all so easy to understand.” – EChachere (Amazon review)

“If you respect the principles and guidelines Jon’s put forth, you’ll not only leapfrog your competitors on the gym floor, but you’ll be acquiring something much greater: decades of business acumen you can apply to any career you venture in to.” – Harry Barnes

“I’m a trainer who is relatively new to the industry (less than 2 years) but I’ve managed to get my business to over $100,000 in sales annually in that time and I attribute a large amount of my success to the materials that Jon has put out.” – Alex Shaw